Our Telecare at home service has been developed with the user’s needs in mind. It consists of a safety phone connected to the Alarm Receiving Center, which is on duty 24/7. A variety of accessories, such as door, fire, stove, and fall alarms, can easily be connected to the safety phone. Even if the user does not detect the danger or problem, the alarm will be communicated to our Alarm Receiving Center
Security and confidence in users’ everyday life
A safety phone can be used to alert when something has happened to the user at home or if they feel unwell. The Smart Care Alarm Receiving Center is easily contacted by pressing the alarm button on the users’ wrist or on the necklace.
When the user presses the alarm button, a two-way voice connection to the Alarm Receiving Center is opened. The alert is always answered by an experienced care professional who will assess the situation and send help if needed. We’re on duty around the clock, every day of the year.
We care for your users around the clock
Our Smart Care Alarm Receiving Center already serves more than 200 municipalities and a wide range of private customers in Finland.
Our experienced care professionals respond to alarms and provide assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Read more about the Alarm Receiving Center here!
Safety phones in short
- A safety phone consists of two parts, an integrated unit and an alarm button for the end-user. The device works indoors.
- Our Alarm Receiving Center’s on-call service is on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round.
- The alarm button is splash and shower proof but does not withstand sauna or prolonged immersion in water or bathing.
- Test the alarm once a month. The test call is made like a normal alarm. The purpose of the test is to ensure that the safety phone operates properly and reminds the user how to use the device.
Are you a municipality looking for a reliable partner?
Our Telecare at home services help municipalities support elderly who wants to continue to live at home. We tailor our Smart Care solutions to the changing needs of each municipality.

Alerts for immediate help
When the user needs help, the user presses and holds in the alarm button for 1-2 seconds.
The user waits until the alarm is connected to the Alarm Receiving Center and the on-call service responds. The voice connection opens automatically.
The user then calmly explains why he or she is alerting and what has happened, and answers any questions asked by the on-call staff.
The user waits for the help to arrive. The on-call staff will arrange for assistance to come.
In case the situation changes, the user can make a new alarm.
If a safety phone alarm is accidentally pressed, the user should inform the on-call staff that it is a false alarm, and they have nothing to worry about.