BT Redcare to be shut down in August 2025

How to support your customers to ensure service continuity and security

What's happening?

On August 1st, 2025, BT Redcare will shut down operations. Systems running on BT Redcare Secure, Classic or GSM will stop working – exposing your customers to potential security risks and operational disruptions. AddSecure stepped in to ensure service continuity for customers – offering seamless transitions to our advanced digital solutions and making it easy for you to migrate your customer to a future-proof solution.

Get started

What should you do?

Evaluate & prioritise: Identify outdated systems

Inform your customers: Highlight the risks of inaction and the benefits of acting now

Offer the solution: Introduce AddSecure NGP – a secure and future-ready alternative

Get started

Contact us to get started. Together, we’ll craft a tailored migration plan that ensures a seamless and stress-free upgrade.

Why should you choose AddSecure

Fast & easy ordering

Simplified processes to get replacements quickly.

Tailored transition plans

Expert advice to minimise disruptions for your customers.

Unrivalled technical support

Our seasoned engineers are always just a call away.

Act now

Don't let your customers face unnecessary risks. Contact us to get started. Together, we’ll craft a tailored migration plan that ensures a seamless and stress-free upgrade.

Contact us!

AddSecure Next Generation Portfolio (NGP) solutions

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“We understand the importance of a smooth transition for our customers. Our dedicated team is committed to providing the necessary expertise and support to ensure a seamless migration process.”

Wim Harthoorn, Director of Sales for Smart Alarms at AddSecure.

Read the Press Release

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